Occlusion Solutions A New Way to Retire
Oil and Gas Wells

The USA has a challenge when it comes to plugging post-production Oil and Gas wells. As Company, State, and Sovereign Nations' plugging liabilities and associated regulations grow daily, there is a high demand for retiring these wells in an environmentally sound process.

Operators are focused on producing hydrocarbons as a priority – we make plugging our priority with Occlusion’s cradle-to-grave process we call Go2Green™. Our process takes outdated techniques and equipment and incorporates our next-gen process to plug wells differently. We measure our success in hours and not days. This industry has never been more primed for disruption, and we have cracked the code by working with State regulators and companies to create a differentiated process. This process provides efficiency through speed, predictable outcomes that are ratable, and an exception process that allows us to adjust in real time.

Our company focuses on innovation that provides a faster, more efficient, and more predictable approach to plugging operations and decommissioning in the oil and gas sector. Our mission is to provide a safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible end-to-end solution for end-of-life assets.

for Efficient Well Plugging

Occlusion Solutions creates innovative technologies for efficient well-plugging. Our advanced solutions address the traditional methods by applying next-generation cementation, tubular remediation, and credible methane monitoring as part of the process.

of Occlusion Solutions

Regulatory compliant
Reduce plugging costs while minimizing environmental impact
Enhanced wellbore remediation using industry leading safety measures
Utilizing advanced materials and techniques for efficient plugging across critical zones (perforations, water tables, seams)


"We bring extensive expertise and experience when plugging these assets. Our team of experts understands the complexities involved in these projects and offers specifically tailored solutions for your needs."

Our Decommissioning Oil and Gas Services

Filing – we handle all the required filings at all levels, State/Nation, Federal
Thorough site planning
Efficient well-plugging and abandonment techniques
Safe handling and disposal of any downhole and surface materials
Environmental risk mitigation and remediation
Regulatory compliance
and documentation

Decommissioning oil and gas assets addresses the legacy problem that keeps being deferred in the industry. Occlusion Solutions provides a full complement of services as its core business for the Oil and Gas industry.

Wellhound - Localization App for Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells

Wellhound is our latest mobile app created to assist in identifying and reporting orphaned oil and gas wells. With just a few taps, anyone can report abandoned wells, and receive updates on their submissions. Our app promotes community collaboration for the better tomorrow.

Access WellHound on both Android and iOS devices by downloading the app.

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we can help you